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Screen command in UNIX

Screen is a very useful command to have in your toolbox if you frequently use interactive sessions on your supercomputer logged in through a VPN. A VPN typically has a time limit, and you may get disconnected from it without any warning when you have poor internet connection. Screen program

Screen command in UNIX

Types of models in DESeq2

There are 2 major types of regression models one can specify in DESeq2 to explore the raw count matrices from an RNA-seq experiment - * Mean-reference model for Factors * Regression model for Covariates Mean-reference model for Factors - Factors typically represent categorical variable such as Gender, Ethnicity, Race etc. The mean-reference

Types of models in DESeq2

Steps in DESeq function

For any RNA-seq data analysis project, one would most probably end up using the R package DESeq2. The function 'DESeq' is the main function that is called to obtain the differentially expressed genes. But what exactly does this function do? In short, DESeq function combines the following 3